Friday, 29 June 2007

Alcohol Inks

I have a real problem with alcohol inks, mostly a mental block now. However having been ably counselled by my mate Angela I have taken the plunge and had another go. The CD and the frame were altered using inks, the image is from a Crafty Individuals book. Technique still needs a bit of refining but I'm quite chuffed :o)


Kaz said...

oooooooooo this is one lush background, love it. your good at the CD altering Seona, great work

Angela Sumner said...

Great job Seona!! I'm so proud of my student lol

joanne wardle said...

lovely! obviously a quick learner :)

Emma said...

oh Seona, it's gorgeous!! :o)

Gillian .... said...

this is a great result seona, love the layout of cd :)

Penny said...

You had a go so well done - it looks fab on the CD!

Melanie said...

i love this

x said...

looks great, fab idea ;-)